Welcome to Essex Local Produce

Essex Local Produce directory provides a listing for local, producers and homegrown produce within the county of Essex.

This blog will provide contact and listing information for selected companies and will act as a platform for reviews and shall generate further interest in local produce.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Crouch Vale Brewery

crouch vale logo

Crouch Vale Brewery
23 Haltwhistle Road
South Woodham Ferrers


Telephone: (+44) 01245 322744
Email: info@crouchvale.co.uk
Website: www.crouchvale.co.uk

Crouch Vale is an independent brewery. The brewery was set up in 1981 with an aim to brew and supply the finest cask conditioned ales, using traditional ingredients and time honoured production processes; from local barley malts, Kentish and Worcestershire hops, to tried and trusted hops from the US and Germany.

The brewery produces regular beers throughout the year, from the award winning pale and fruity Brewers Gold, to the golden, spicy Amarillo. They also produce seasonal beers, from the classic ‘Summer Breeze' bitter to the ‘Willie Warmer’ dark strong barley wine.

brewers gold bottles

Fine Cask Conditioned Ales:


5% ABV

Premium Golden Ale


Blackwater Mild:

3.7& ABV

Fruity and Full

Crouch Best:

ABV 4.0%

A full bodied mid-brown "the local favourite"

Essex Boys Bitter:

ABV 3.5%

A pale brown beer

essex boys bitter

Brewer's Gold:

ABV 4.0%

A pale, refreshing fruity beer

brewers gold

Seasonal Beers:

Currently Available:

- Pioneer
- Snow Drop
- Santiam
- Yakima Gold
- Golden Duck
- Summer Breeze

Crouch Valley is an award winning small brewery that takes pride in producing the finest cask conditioned ales, utilising traditional ingredients and time honoured production processes. Regular Beers and Seasonal Specials are available throughout the year from good pubs, approved stockists, beer festivals and from their brewery shop.

Brewery Shop Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5pm

Come Meet the Team...

the team

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